
[Showbiz Korea] SONG HYE-KYO(송혜교) & SEOHYUN(서현)! Celebrities' Two-Piece Outfits

2019-10-03 187 Dailymotion


What's stylin' today on FASHION WEEKLY?!
There is a type of outfit that doesn't require too much thought or effort for you to look stylish! It's the two-piece set! Let's take a look at some of the two-piece outfits that celebrities often wear in spring and fall!


어려운 스타일링 없이 한 벌로 멋스러운 코디 가능! 유행타지 않는 여성들의 워너비 패션! 오늘의 주제! 투피스룩. 봄, 가을에 꾸준히 선보이고 있는 스타들의 개성 넘치는 투피스 룩을 함께 알아보자!